Center Customer Care English| Tiếng việt

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Please contact the Customers Care department on 1800 54 54 57 or click here for advice and support.


Receiving information window

May 10-2014. Customer Advisory Center (Call Center) of PNJ Company officially launched. This is one of the first call center in the country's jewelry industry. Through 26 years of operations, PNJ has performed many operations and policies best customer care and professional scale. The launch team of call center is one of the breakthroughs of PNJ in order to further improve the quality of after-sales services, thereby increasing the prestige and power of the brand spread PNJ.


Team of call center PNJ totally employees of the company, are trained to become professional consultants, knowledgeable product PNJ to answer questions from customers, receiving and processing information product needs warranty . Through communication with customers, call center to identify each request, the customer's wishes and resolve quickly. This step of the call center screening saves the customer's time. With that role, as a call center to receive information window, is an important link in the system of PNJ. All the efforts of all call centers to increase customer satisfaction, so that customers increasingly more secure and confident using products and services of PNJ.


Customer Care